Spinal Cord Injury
What is it?
A spinal cord injury can occur as a result of trauma (e.g accident) or from disease or degeneration and it involves damage to the actual spinal cord. It can result in a pattern of disruption of motor and sensory pathways between the brain and the rest of body depending on location of the spinal cord injury and the severity.
Depending on the location of the spinal cord injury and damage alongside the degree of damage (complete or incomplete), a number of presentations can occur, including:
Altered muscle function and loss of movement
Loss or altered sensation
Muscle spasms, spasticity and altered reflex activity
Bladder and bowel problems
Loss of sexual function, sensitivity and fertility
Difficulty breathing and/or coughing
Difficulties in everyday functions and activities
How can Enhance Motion help those who have had a Spinal Cord Injury
Our Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologists are experts on rehabilitation that will improve your mobility (sitting, standing, transfers and walking), balance, coordination and strength. Our Occupational Therapists are highly skilled in adaptions to activities of daily living, modifications and prescription of suitable equipment to enable maximum function and independence.
Please note that our facilities are not equipped to deal with clients with high level spinal cord injuries (i.e we do not have access to a hoist and the ability to assist those requiring 2+assist).