Cerebral Palsy
What is it?
Cerebral Palsy is a permanent physical disability that affects a persons ability to move and maintain balance and posture. It is the most common motor disability in childhood and is a chronic, life-long condition. CP generally does not worsen over time, however the exact symptoms can change over a person’s lifetime.
What causes Cerebral Palsy (CP)?
“Cerebral” = to do with the brain. “Palsy” = weakness or problems with using the muscles.
CP is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain that affects a person’s ability to control his or her muscles.
The symptoms of CP vary from person to person. A person with severe CP may require special equipment to walk or not be able to walk at all. A person with mild CP, might walk a little awkwardly but not require any special help. All people with CP have problems with movement and posture.
There are 4 main types of CP and they are classified according to the main type of movement disorder involved. (i.e, stiff muscles (spasticity); uncontrollable movements (dyskinesia), poor balance and coordination (ataxia))
1) Spastic Cerebral Palsy – most common. These people suffer with increased muscle tone = very stiff muscles!
2) Dyskinetic CP – those that have problems controlling the movement of their hands, arms, feet and legs – making it difficult to sit and walk.
3) Ataxic CP – these people have problems with balance and coordination. They may be unsteady when they walk. They may have a tough time controlling their hands or arms when they reach for something.
4) Mixed CP – Some people have symptoms of more than one type of CP. Spastic-dyskinetic being the most common type of mixed CP.
How can Enhance Motion help those with Cerebral Palsy?
CP is very much a movement disorder which means there is plenty that the health professionals at Enhance Motion are able to help with. Whilst CP cannot be cured, working on strengthening weak muscles, maintaining mobility of spastic muscles, practicing balance and coordination and posture all work towards improving the lives of those who have this condition.
Those with CP often require intervention from a myriad of health professionals and our physiotherapists, occupational therapists and exercise physiologists work alongside each other as well as with any of your other health professionals to help provide you with a well -rounded plan to #enhanceyourmotion and reach your full potential.
Information from Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and cerebralpalsy.org.au